The Manton & Stony Creeks Biolink was completed in September 2021. The plan is available on this website at https://lmpl.org.au/biolink-plans
The plan is being stewarded by Manton & Stony Creeks Landcare.
Manton & Stony Creek Biolink properties (outlined in pink on the map below) are scattered throughout the Manton & Stony Creeks Landcare area. A cluster of 3 biolink properties at the intersection of Shoreham and Shands Roads connect with 5 properties that are part of a separate Manton & Stony Creeks Landcare (M&SC) project – Stony Creek Communities for Environment. All 7 biolink properties have creek frontage.
Works set out in the plan are designed to make significant inroads into bringing areas that are serious sources of weed infestation (in particular, Pittosporum, Blackberry, English Ivy and Karamu) under control.
Ecological vegetation classes on Manton & Stony Creek biolink properties include:
- 023 Herb-rich Foothill Forest (Peninsula and Bioregional status: vulnerable)
- 937 Swampy Woodland (Peninsula and Bioregional status: endangered)
- 029 Damp Forest (Peninsula and Bioregional status: endangered)
- 721 Fern Swamp (Locally rare, not yet classified in the Bioregion)
- 083 Swampy Riparian Woodland (Bioregional status: Endangered)
Threatened species* in the Manton & Stony Creeks Landcare area (Atlas of Living Australia – ALA) include:
- Southern Brown Bandicoot (Isodon obesulus obesulus) – Critically Endangered, Victoria
- Powerful Owl (Ninox strenua) – Vulnerable, Victoria
- Swift parrot (Lathamus discolor) – Critically Endangered, Victoria
- Lewin’s Rail (Lewinia pectoralis) – Vulnerable, Victoria
- Southern toadlet (Pseudophyrne semimarmorata) – Endangered, Victoria
*Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 (Threatened list October 2021)
As at October 2021, two Manton & Stony Creek Biolink properties had already received grants to undertake works set out in the Manton & Stony Creeks Biolink Plan. The funds are from the Mornington Peninsula Shire’s Biolinks Support Grants, first issued in 2021.