The Balcombe Moorooduc Biolink Plan was completed in January 2023 and is available on this website
It is being stewarded by Balcombe Moorooduc Landcare Group.
Balcombe Moorooduc Biolink properties (shown on the map below in dark blue) are in two clusters.
The first cluster of 3 properties, plus one supportive property, is at the corner of Foxeys Rd and Bulldog Creek Rd (Dromana and Merricks North).
This first cluster includes one large 62 ha property with significant areas of native bush (30 ha). The other two properties in this cluster surround a 19 ha property on Bulldog Creek Rd that is almost completely covered in high quality bushland – predominantly EVC Lowland Forest (EVC 16).
This plan includes a program of weed control on the two biolink properties that surround that property that will protect the soon-to-be-covenanted bushland from encroachment of weeds as well as improve the quality of bushland on the two biolink properties.
The second cluster of 5 properties is on and around Range Rd, Mt Martha. It includes a 46 ha property with significant potential for establishment of new areas of native bushland. Planned biolink works for this property include 9 ha of revegetation, which on the Mornington Peninsula is a very significant area size for revegetation.
Four of the five properties in this cluster are on the north side of Range Rd and connect with the southern portion of The Briars, a 230 ha conservation park managed by Mornington Peninsula Shire. Engagement with the land manager and landholder of one of these properties has resulted in them applying for and been granted a significant Melbourne Water grant for weed control, fencing and revegetation along Stockland Creek, which runs through the Briars.
Improving the quality of the indigenous bushland on the Balcombe Moorooduc Biolink properties, particularly adjacent to waterways, will support water quality in the catchment, including the waters and bushland around Balcombe Estuary Reserves (44 ha of natural bushland along the lower reaches of Balcombe Creek).
By early 2023 Balcombe Moorooduc Landcare Group was already on its way to securing funding for further works in the plan and the group was holding regular working bees on Balcombe Moorooduc Biolink properties. The group was also collaborating with Mornington Peninsula Koalas on some of the revegetation works planned.
Ecological vegetation classes on Balcombe Moorooduc Biolink properties include:
- 175 Grassy Woodland (Peninsula and Bioregional status: endangered
- 016 Lowland Forest (Peninsula and Bioregional status: vulnerable
- 053 Swamp Scrub (Peninsula and Bioregional status: endangered)
- 937 Swampy Woodland (Peninsula and Bioregional status: endangered)
Threatened species* in the Balcombe Mooorooduc Landcare area include:
- Lesser Egret (Egretta Garzetta), endangered (Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988, Victoria)
- Southern Water Skink (Eulamprus Typanum), endangered (Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act, 1988, Victoria, and Environment Protection Biodiversity and Conservation Act 1999, Cwlth)
- Barking Owl (Ninox Connivens), critically endangered (Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act, 1988, Victoria)
- Powerful Owl (Ninox Strenua), vulnerable, (Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act, 1988, Victoria